Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Scratch my back please"

oh my god, he is so beautiful. ugh. it kills me....this would be easier if he wasn't so handsome!

Dear Pennsylvania,

My new life without you feels a bit overwhelming today, well a lot overwhelming. I am forced to start all new habits without my favorite person.

California and the girls just went to visit an art studio - something I usually would love to do. But right now I just needed a little time to myself.

Sometimes I think in my effort to remain positive about everything I don't take the time to acknowledge the huge transition in my life. I went from spending the past six years of my life living a very urban life on the East Coast to suddenly being back here in small-town Wisconsin with three kids to look after. And while I am enjoying my new role here I also am missing my old life. I miss you - of course. But I also miss my old life: staying out late once a week - watching you play while sipping whiskey with the other girl-friends, spending time with Peanut Butter, swearing, having alone time, living in my own space - mostly having a kitchen all to myself. I guess that is part of the reason why I write mourn the loss of you and the loss of that life.

I found my camera charger. I emailed your rock-star pictures tonight. I love you in that wig and those glasses. I think you look sexy. But then again I always think you look sexy.

I wish that we were crawling in bed together right now....we could cuddle and watch a netflix. You would say "scratch my back please", I would scratch it. Maybe you would rub my shoulders. Then I would chat your ear off until you fell asleep.

Love you so much,

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