Friday, December 24, 2010

Florida sucks without you

maybe i should be reading this instead of texting you.

Dear Pennsylvania,

Thankfully the internet is connected. I lost my shit today. I had to leave the condo so I could cry. Foolishly I called you. This is really hard for me. Everywhere I see you. The things we would laugh at - the things we would do together - how everything would be more fun. How more at ease I would be around my family because of you.

This sucks. It's really hard. I feel like I most certainly have regressed. My heart aches again like it did when this all went to shit. I shouldn't be texting you. You shouldn't text me back. I know you miss me, but you miss your best friend. I miss my boy-friend. It is soooo good to hear from you - to connect with you. But what good can come of it? How can I heal? The thing is I don't want to heal, I just want for us to be together.

Florida sucks without you.

Merry Christmas Eve my love.

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