Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I feel like the devil is knocking on the door

Remember how we used to watch Family Guy before bed. I don't really like Family Guy that much. I watched it for you.

Dear Pennsylvania,

I am glad we didn't talk this morning. It hurts my feelings you are so willing to be a friend to me. It obviously doesn't hurt you the way it hurts me because you aren't in love with me.

I have had a really long day that ended in making a grocery list. One, Two and Three helped compile the list. We get $50 for the week. That is a challenge feeding five people!!! Of course Uncle does do a quick mid-week shop for things we run out of. I miss food with you - we always ate like royalty. I hope my next boy-friend loves to cook together as much as you and me.

I had that interview today. But I am far too tired to talk about it in detail. I will say I feel a bit overwhelmed by the whole idea. I feel like the devil is knocking on the door - baiting me with the ideas of money, success and an employee discount. Would I really be happy back in that corporate fashion/retail world? It doesn't gel at all with my ethics and I feel like it nurtures the worst in me (stress, materialism...). But that employee discount!!! And cute clothes and money. Those are enticing things. But they are only things. I didn't even get the offer - so for now I shouldn't (bad word=should) worry. But the mere idea has me stressed out. I think the most enticing part is the job prospect is having a clear path to walk down, instead of paving my own.

Let's see it's I hope your lessons didn't put you in a terrible mood. Maybe you are hitting a jam session or playing at John and Peter's. Wherever you are, I just hope you are thinking of me tonight, I hope you miss me.


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