Tuesday, December 14, 2010

An email from Pennsylvania (now I feel better about the other email)

NOTE: This is an email I received tonight from Pennsylvania.

i tried watching it on my phone but it took too long so i waited. i wanted to wait for some reason. it's really great. i even started liking the song more after watching it allthewaythrough. that's awesome that he put your name in the credits. pretty solid addition to your resume.

oh and soory for the weird email. i wrote it bobbing around in the van in chicago in a gallbladder attack induced haze of terrible nausea. too much deep dish.

maybe next time i come to chicago we can hang out. your cousins would have a super fun time and it would be good to see you. i know that's probably a stretch but just thought i'd try.

probably not gonna mail ur stuff till next week. just so you know. when i get my deposit back i'll get you an installment pronto. i was gonna call you but figured i probably shouldn't. hope your doing well. miss you. poo. night.

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