which way?!?!?!
The new mat was slippery! Can you believe it! HAHA! All that waiting for a slippery mat :) I suppose it's only fitting if it symbolizes my life. It is a little slippery right now - but I know I will find my grip...eventually.
I am happy to report I have a new friend. Yoga Teacher picked me up and came to meditation. We had a nice chat on the way home. She is good stuff. I am grateful to have found a community here that I can feel myself around. And it's refreshing to have my own community again - not yours that turned into mine.
I actually called all three of my schools to gather transcripts for the Peace Corps ap. I am one step closer to opening another opportunity for myself. I am focusing on focusing this year. It seems as though I am all talk and no walk. I wish I could find out what my life's dharma actually is. How do you know what to do with your life? I am always all over the place. I just need to somehow focus but also let things happen.
It's just so hard to live in the now when you kind of have to plan for your future - otherwise nothing will happen.
Anyway. Now that Shakira is single maybe you can build a house WITH floors with her. You are both musicians so maybe that will work out for you.
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